Part 82: Love
Chapter 14: Love
QfG4 Manual posted:
JGJA: That advice should ensure that a few more of our readers survive to
renew their subscriptions! In closing, what's the single most important
piece of advice you would give to an aspiring Archmage?
Erasmus: The most important thing is to always practice one's spelling. It
can be very embarrassing to come up to the final encounter against an evil
Demon Wizard and then accidentally cast a "Lame Art" spell instead of a
"Flame Dart".
Fenris: You only made that mistake once.
Erasmus: I did not! It was a "Lost Sight" rather than a "Frost Bite". And
I was only blinded for a few seconds. But, seriously, practice makes
perfect, or at least a lot better. Every time a trained Magic User casts a
spell, he or she gains a little more proficiency with that spell. In
addition, casting any spell helps build one's magical talent and
Fenris: More spell tries make for swell guys?
Erasmus: I prefer to put it, "He who casts fast lasts best."
Welcome back, it’s good ta see ya again. As a matta fact, I just got some candy from my Aunt Chamima. Go on, have a piece.
Ha, ha, ha! That’s my Auntie, always making me laugh when I’m blue. No, you’re blue, that’s right. Ha, ha, ha! So whatcha come back for?
I’m having some trouble finding Baba Yaga. I was hoping you might have some idea where she went. You sure she’s in this valley?
She is around here somewhere. I just don’t know where for sure. I looked all over this place and I ain’t seen her, so I’m stuck, dumbstruck, and outa luck. All I knows is that she’s somewhere ta the southeast.
The southeast? There’s nothing out that way except Hangman’s Hill. And you can’t get up it this time of year because the bushes all grow…hmm. I wonder.
Please help me. A worse curse for a funny fellow like me there never wert. A gnome withouta joke is like a doughnut withouta hole. Nothin’s missing, but nothin’s ‘air either. It’s embarrassing, being a half-witted wiseguy.
I’ll see what I can do. I think I finally know where to look now.
Hey, before ya go, did ya hear the one about the vampire architect? He designed the Vampire State Building! Ha, ha, ha! Always leave ya laughin’, I always say.
I need to hurry.
Morning, Bella. How are you?
Oh, you should hear about the dream I had. It has been my custom to sometimes go over to the center of the town and sit by the Staff. I fell asleep there the other afternoon, and I had the most wonderful dream. I dreamed my daughter was playing in the flowers. I held her in my arms, and she said that you brought her there. She said you should visit the Staff when night falls. Then the dream faded, and I awoke. It was good to hold my child again, even if it was only a dream. Still, could you try to visit the Staff some night? The dream could have been important.
Strange. I had a dream just last night about Tanya. I awoke suddenly and had difficulty getting back to sleep. Otherwise, it was unremarkable.
Well, I often have dreams where I see Tanya again. I know she must be alive somewhere. I can feel it.
Bella, enough. I am sorry, but Bella cannot accept that our child is dead.
It is you who are wrong, Yuri. You have given up hope…
We will speak of this later, Bella. Why don’t you go see what’s burning in the kitchen?
What did happen to Tanya?
Two years ago, Tanya was stolen from her bedroom one night. There was no sign of what happened to her. There were rumors that the Gypsies had stolen Tanya away, so I traveled to their camp. But when I got there, I found no sign of her. Then the gravedigger mentioned that several times he saw a huge monster near her window at night. That is all I know of the matter. We both miss our daughter deeply, but she is gone forever.
No. I will never believe that. I know someday she will return. My dreams will come true.
I do hope you’re right, Bella. I’ll see you both later.
Good morning, Ilya.
Hey, Dmitri. Can we talk in your office? This is important.
If you say so.
Dmitri, your grandfather didn’t leave your grandmother behind, at least not on purpose. I found this in a wraith barrow. It’s a paladin sword, and it belongs to Piotyr.
This…this was my grandfather’s? Yes…I don’t know how I can tell, but somehow I am sure you are right. So he did not desert my grandmother, but was killed instead.
Yep. It’s yours now, if you want it.
No, you keep it. You have certainly earned it. I was so ashamed of my grandfather. Everyone in town called him a coward, yet he was really a hero after all. In fact, that shield on the wall over there was Piotyr’s also. Take it. There’s no sense in leaving it hanging on the wall if you can use it.
The shield's magic, of course, but I don't think it reflects spells like the old one did.
Wow, thank you. You could tell it was Piotyr’s just by looking at it?
I used to dream about this sword when I was a child. I would see a bearded man holding it aloft, the blade flaming. My grandmother asked me to look for the sword, but I never found it. It is enough to just hold it, knowing that it is real.
You think your grandmother still believed in him?
Yes, but my father despised him. He never spoke of Piotyr to him. He wouldn’t even allow his name to be mentioned. I only knew that he had abandoned my grandmother from rumor and hearsay. I hated him for it. T know now that Piotyr did not mean to hurt my grandmother…it is good. I thought that there were no such things as heroes and paladins. You have proven me wrong, and I am glad for it.
Why would your father hate him so much?
Piotyr disappeared before marrying my grandmother. Everyone thought he had abandoned her, even though he left his shield with her as a pledge. The scandal was worse when she bore my father. Her family threw her from the house, and she had to live with others. I guess my grandmother always knew that Piotyr hadn’t abandoned her. She used to wander out to the center of town at night sometimes. We’d find her asleep by the Staff, a smile on her face. She’d tell us she had been with Piotyr, but no one ever believed her. Everyone thought she was crazy. I loved her, but even I never believed her.
He’s still there, you know. I see your grandfather by the Staff every night. You could probably see him yourself if you wanted to.
So his ghost has been near me all my life? It seems strange to think of it.
You should visit him sometime. As for me, I’ve got to go. I still have things I need to do today.
Before you go, I must thank you for what you have done. I did not believe you before when you said you were a hero because I didn’t believe heroes existed. Never was I happier to be wrong. You really aren’t little Ilya anymore, Paladin Nike.
Thanks, Dmitri.
There’s a few other things that Quest for Glory 4 improves upon from 1. First off, you can get an idea of what important things are nearby by using the eye icon on the background. The other thing is that you can practice Climbing by using the hand on some of the trees in the back. Since there isn’t an animation, it’s quite time efficient.
Directions: one south, four east, two south, one east, and two south from the town screen, or two east and two south from Erana’s Garden.
That’s the path to Hangman’s Hill, and there are the bushes that always grow in the way this time of year. Maybe the leshy’s rhyme will work. “Bushes here, disappear!”
As you repeat the magic phrase you learned from the leshy, the bushes on the west spring apart as if by magic! Oh, that’s right, it IS magic!
Trigger also works, and without having to find the password.
Holy crap, it works!
Baba Yaga. First part is Hangman’s Hill, and the second plays inside the hut.
Every sense tingles with the feeling of danger! The eye sockets of the skulls glow with deadly energy. Even the hut looks hungry!
Wait a second, don’t I know you from somewhere? Yeah, you’re the guy that turned Baba Yaga into a frog! So what are you doing here? Trying out for the part of soup du jour or auditioning for the main course?
Hang on, you’re one of the skulls from Spielburg? That gem…you were the gatekeeper then, too?
Yeah, yeah, don’t remind me. I thought I was going to be left behind when the hut flew the coop, but Baba Yaga picked me up later. You sure made her mad.
So she still remembers that, huh?
Oh yeah. She’s back ta her old self, if ya know what I mean. Other than a craving occasionally for flies, and a distaste for frog legs, she’s the same as ever. But about what you pulled…well, she thinks you cheated her out of a meal last time, and she’ll be delighted ta have you over for dinner. Which reminds me: why the hell are you back here, anyway?
There’s a gnome in town called Punny Bones who got cursed by her. I kind of promised him that I’d help.
That guy, huh? I remember the Big B telling me about him. So you’re trying to help him. You’re more likely to wind up in Baba’s frying pan. Still, tell you what I’m gonna do. You scratch my backbone (assuming I had one, of course), and I’ll scratch yours (metaphorically speaking, that is). Bring me something that will be useful and add a certain dash to my appearance, and I’ll turn off the fry guys.
Fry guys? Wait, why do I have to help you at all? Can’t I just walk on up?
The game is surprisingly forgiving once again. Getting hit by the skull’s eye lasers isn’t fatal, but merely takes off 10 health. So eventually…
That’s why ya gotta help me. Those other skulls do what I say. They won’t crisp ya if I gives the word. Bring me something I can use, like something ta keep the sun outta my eyes, maybe. ‘Til then, you’re stuck on this side.
Oh alright. At least I can tell the leshy what I found.
Skipping the usual shenanigans…
One and two and three make six; who hides her hut behind trick sticks?
Baba Yaga!
Baba baby, that’s the one—an ogress who is lots of fun! Ten and twelve make twenty two; this killer plant will crawl to you. Hungry, hunting, seeking food, a berry bush with an attitude?
What, another riddle? Oh well.
*That Evening*
This one includes the Igor reference from the last update and the late-game average evening, after the people of Mordavia are more willing to open up to the hero.
There is a woman who sorrows, whose heart cannot bear the loss of one so dear. Her child was taken by others and now exists as an undead. Erana’s Staff yet contains one great spell—the trading of one life for another. Rescue the child from the castle, and restore her to life. Heal the sorrow of a grieving mother.
Hey wait, so you did know about the Destiny spell? Aw man. I hope I’m not the one who has to die ‘cause of this. I wonder if Katrina is at the castle gate yet?
Death waits beyond those gates (at least for those not tough enough for the challenge). It comes in the form of two slavering necrotaurs.
Katrina…oh wow.
My scarf felt too confining. I hope you will excuse the fact I’m not wearing it. I know it’s not proper, but I didn’t think you would mind.
Katrina, there are very few things I would mind even less on a night like this, but I think you would slap me if I told them to you.
What, are you trying to flirt with me? Usually it’s the other way around. That is, you are very attractive, after all.
Thanks. Do you think we could go somewhere sometime? Go visit the lake, perhaps? It’s a very beautiful spot, and it would be twice as beautiful if you were there as well.
You want to go on a date? But isn’t this one? I mean, you did meet me here and everything. I wanted so much to just see and speak with you again.
I guess the castle gate is fine, but I was hoping we could meet somewhere without a bunch of necrotaurs grunting and screaming in the background.
Oh, right, sorry about that.
It’s fine. Maybe we could just kiss here.
K-kiss? Now?
Sure, if you want to.
I’d love to kiss you, but I don’t think I will just yet. You are far too tempting to resist.
What’s wrong with giving in?
I…I don’t want to go that far. Not yet, at least.
Alright, it’s up to you. So why don’t you tell me something about yourself? I told you all about me last night, but what about you? What are your parents like? Do you like living in the castle? What do you do for fun? Oh, and have you seen a little girl around somewhere?
I…uh…that’s…I’ve got to be off now. But please, meet me again, say, three nights hence? I’ll be waiting to see you here.
Katrina walks off into the forest to the west and is quickly gone from sight.
You know what? Forget what I said before. Necrotaurs are great for romance.
There you are. What happened to you? I thought you were going to show me the way to town.
I was, but you disappeared. Can you follow me now?
Of course, but please don’t go so fast.
The ghostly apparition vanishes.
Chernovy Battle
This fellow is called the chernovy, and is your average mutated Cthulian horror. Like the wraith, these guys can throw spells high and low, but they can also move across the screen and attack hand-to-hand. At least they can’t drain your health.
QfG4 Manual posted:
These were once the human followers of the Dark One. They sought after
immortality (and got it, after a fashion). They can be killed but do not
die of natural causes. The spell that gave them this partial immortality
also mutated them. They now look basically human but with twisted, mutated
features reminiscent of insects, spiders, and octopods. They wear the
remnants of their ritual robes and are powerful spellcasters.
Also, along with the revenant, they are the only recurring monsters that carry money on their corpses.
Hi. You said you wanted my help earlier.
Good you here. Many things talk about. Many things need to do. Many sad things in Mordavia. Many sad things need your help. Gnome need help. Nikolai need help. Yuri and Bella need help. Even domovoi need help. You help some, maybe you help others.
What do Yuri and Bella need me for? Is it about Tanya?
Innkeeper Yuri very very sad. Innkeeper Bella very very sad. Very very bad thing happen, not even domovoi magic can help. Need hero. Need powerful hero. Someday, maybe you be powerful enough. First help me, then I help you. Not far from in bad place is. Very bad place. For sure bad place door try to kill you. Magic symbol you need. Magic symbol on door will open. In very bad place, domovoi is. Domovoi not alive. Domovoi not dead. Domovoi very dry. Domovoi you help, more help I give you. See you I will again after you help domovoi.
Wait, so there’s a dry domovoi that needs help in the monastery?
Little Ilya hear domovoi. Domovoi help Ilya when domovoi safe.
Now I’m confused again. Well, I’ll figure it out somehow.
*Yawn* Stupid domovoi…
You are surrounded by warmth and friendship. You reach out to take her hand, and smile as she smiles back at you. You hold open your arms, and she flows into them. You embrace one another, and share your happiness. You both laugh with joy as you each behold the stranger you have known so long, this friend you have never met, but always cared for; this love you share for the first time and forever.
You kiss the lips of the mage Erana.